Online premiere of the film "Awareness" dir. Mateusz Cejóg
Sat, 04 Apr
|Online movie premiere
Premiere of the short film "Awareness" dir. Mateusz Cejnóg + backstage materials and interviews with the creators. It's all in the online premiere screening of this magnetic thriller.
Czas i lokalizacja
04 Apr 2020, 20:00
Online movie premiere
O wydarzeniu
Due to the pandemic that coronavirus gave us, as we all know - all cinema, theater halls, etc. are currently closed. So this is due to the fact that the premiere of our film, which we have already prepared for the end of March, unfortunately has to be canceled in the form we planned it. At this moment, you can guess that we won't all meet together in the cinema room, which is why we made a slightly difficult (because we were focused on the cinema premiere), but probably a good decision to brighten up your quarantine time by uploading our film online . The film will appear at 20:00, on 04/04/2020 on YouTube - on TheGreatness channel. In addition to the film itself, there will be additional material in which you will see how we worked on the film. Both materials together last less than an hour.
Well, now you know what the plan is for next Saturday night.
AWARENESS is a short feature film. Genre Thriller/Drama. The director and screenwriter is Mateusz Cejnóg (internationally awarded "EFEKT" from 2018). The main roles will be played by Żaneta Homa (including "Colors of Happiness", "In the Rhythm of the Heart") and Kacper Pilch (including "Colors of Happiness", "Memento Mori"). Online premiere on 04/04/2020 at 20.00. The film tells the story of a young girl, Klara (Żaneta Homa). Her brother has recently gone missing, and she is dealing with a newfound ailment related to memory loss. Doctors are unable to help her and have no idea where this phenomenon comes from. One day, a stranger (Kacper Pilch) appears at her doorstep. This man claims that he knows where these blackouts come from. The mystery becomes clearer and day by day Klara's story becomes more dramatic and full of madness.
Written and directed by: Mateusz Cejnóg
Director of Photography: Patryk Dróżdż
Photos: Patryk Dróżdż and Maciej Ławniczak
Audio: Radoslaw Łabędzki
Music: Kamil Hamulczyk /feat Mikromusic.
Starring: Żaneta Homa and Kacper Pilch
Other roles: Rafał Bajcer and Michał Dyjak
Lighting manager: Patryk Dróżdż
Lighting: Patryk Dróżdż and Maciej Ławniczak
Lighting equipment: Erka film- Robert Kaczmarski
Makeup: Svitlana Horodetska
Technical support on set: Agnieszka Cejnóg, Rafał Bajcer, Robert Cejnóg, Daniel Tulicki, Svitlana Horodetska
Assistant Director: Daniel Tulicki
Audio/Cam Assistant: Daniel Tulicki
Color Grading: Mateusz Cejnóg with consultations with Patryk Dróżdż
Sound mastering and editing: Marcin Grabowicz
VFX: Mateusz Cejnog, Daniel Tulicki
Photos from the set: Maciej Ławniczak
More information at
Link to movie trailer: