"Utopia" dir. Michal Siegoczynski
Time To Be Determined
Have you ever dreamed of unlimited freedom? About being able to do and say what you want, when you want? Do you want a world where everyone respects you? Or maybe it's time for a revolution? What would your world be like if you could rearrange it? What law would you introduce?

Czas i lokalizacja
Time To Be Determined
Warsaw, Poland
O wydarzeniu
"Utopia" dir. Michal Siegoczynski
Premiere: September 10, 2017, Powszechny Theater in Warsaw, Stół Powszechny stage
Have you ever dreamed of unlimited freedom? About being able to do and say what you want, when you want? Do you want a world where everyone respects you? Or maybe it's time for a revolution? What would your world be like if you could rearrange it? What law would you introduce?
Sounds like a used trailer or some kind of SMS? Or maybe just answer the questions. Log in to the banana. After all, your life isn't real either. You've been online for a long time. So when one day you get the "We have a job for you" message, don't hesitate. Just open.
Utopiais the story of three young people united by a common goal - to install the world of Nierealalne on the hard drive. Play for Impossible. Nothing will stop them now because they have nothing to lose. They will resort to the most radical measures to achieve their goal - before they reach the Game Over board. Because life is a game, right?
The performance is produced by "Teatr Grupa" as part of the "Program of postgraduate acting self-formation", carried out by the Grotowski Institute and in cooperation with Teatr Powszechny i_cc781905-5-de-3bbb- 136bad5cf58d_Universal Table.
directed by Michał Siegoczyński
dramaturgy - Michał Siegoczyński, Jarosław Murawski costumes and stage design - Klara Filipowicz
assistant director - Mateusz Brodowski
choreography - Alisa Makarenko
cast - Zofia Schwinke, Kacper Pilch, Kacper Sasin
"Teatr Grupa" was founded on the initiative of graduates of the State Higher School of Theater in Krakow, Branch in Wrocław. The group's goal is to create performances and artistic projects in cooperation with cultural institutions. The theater is to support and promote young talents and help in the development of artists' careers. The first goal of the group was to create, in collaboration with various directors -War trilogy, a series of three performances touching stories about youth, freedom and the fight for ideas. First of them -Utopiain dir. Michał Siegoczyński will be staged at the Powszechny Theater in Warsaw and the Institute of Grotowski in Wrocław.